Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Interview Ràdio Ciutat de Badalona

Interview RCB

Du--- what the?

Ok, now this I can kind of understand...


But this?


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Los cojones de Carles

It takes cojones to stand up and sing on a whim in front of a packed restaurant. Luckily Carles has cojones. Of course, if I had a voice like Carles, I would probably have done the same.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My brother's been cloned!!!!

This other dude supposedly goes by the name "Dan" but I'm not convinced... Can you tell which one is which?

Arrrr, me damn hook keeps slippin' off me stump!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Highs and Lows

This blog is a little late coming, but I wanted to comment briefly on some high points and low points of my trips to Girona during the last few weeks of the summer.

High points included:

Some beautiful views of the Pyrenees and ponies...

Remembering what it's like to have hair (so sweet of Raquel to aid me with this process)...

And, of course, Albert's amazing gourmet cooking...

The one low point was getting my ass whooped in Nintendo Wii by Gemma and Oriol...

Yes, they look very sweet with these kitties, but don't be fooled -- when given a controller, they are vicious!!!